Bedsores are painful conditions that are often preventable as long as patients get the quality of care they deserve. These sores develop when patients are neglected and left in the same position for too long. Many legal principles come into play when an individual suffers from bedsores while under someone’s care. The following are some of the principles your bedsore lawyer in Brooklyn should address.
Medical Negligence
The primary cause of bedsores for patients often comes down to medical negligence. Nurses are aware they need to help immobile patients change positions at regular intervals to prevent sores from developing. These sores often take a long time to heal and can indicate other instances of medical neglect. A bedsore lawyer in Brooklyn can help you get to the bottom of the case and seek compensation.
Medical Malpractice
In addition to medical neglect, bedsore cases can often include an element of medical malpractice. When you take your case to a bedsore lawyer in Brooklyn, they will examine the overall care your loved one has received. During this process, they may identify other signs of medical malpractice. This information will ensure you seek the most appropriate compensation for your loved one.
Wrongful Death
While individuals aren’t likely to pass away from the bedsores themselves, their presence can quickly lead to other health problems that may contribute to an untimely passing. Your bedsore lawyer in Brooklyn can help you determine if you have a case for a wrongful death suit if your loved one passed away after developing bedsores that perhaps became infected and led to a life-threatening condition.
If your loved one has suffered from bedsores and needs help from a bedsore lawyer in Brooklyn, visit Sinel & Elesen, PLLC, to talk to their experienced team.