Cook County’s vital records and registers are the events and people that make Cook County unique. The assumed business name registration is where businesses are registered under assumed names or DBAs. This is done for new companies based on Illinois law.
Every person born in Cook County has their birth certificate stored with Cook County vital records. Cook County’s clerk’s office keeps an official record of each birth in the suburb of Cook County. Birth certificates not only let a person know when they were born, where they were born, and the names of their parents, but they also serve as a vital source of identification when getting passports and other government documentation.
Over the past few decades, the makeup of Cook County has changed. The Cook County census is carried out on a regular schedule to provide an accurate accounting for the number of people who live in Cook County. This information is vital when determining how federal and state resources are distributed within Cook County. It is available in English and Spanish, making it accessible to most people in the area.
You can get access to death certificates from Cook County if the death occurs in a suburb of Cook County. Under state law, a person has the right to obtain a copy of a death certificate if they are a deceased relative or have a financial interest in the death of an individual.
Learn more about the value of accessing vital records and see how West Suburban Currency Exchanges Inc. is helping people access essential documents related to licensing and other services when you visit them.