Front Yard Landscaping: Why Eliminate Your Lawn?

by | Jul 22, 2016 | Lawns

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Modern lawns are no longer the only way to landscape. Front yard landscaping is only now realizing the toll grass has taken on the environment and its resources. The obsession with the perfect lawn has resulted in some 47 million acres in the United States – many of them in cities such as St Paul, covered with turf. Yet, today, more people are looking for alternatives while not sacrificing the aesthetics of their landscaping environment.

The Problems with Grass

For many, that wide swath of green that runs in front of, along the sides and even in the backyard is something to revel in. They find it hard to consider an alternative. What they need to do is to look at the issues of growing such a monoculture as grass. The problems with grass are not singular. Grass

* Is not an environmentally friendly product? It wastes natural resources
* Sucks up billions of gallons every year. In cities such as Minneapolis and St Paul, the average lawn devours approximately 60 gallons of water daily. This takes away water from other more important matters. In California and other states, this frivolous use of water is highly restricted if not banned outright
* Uses toxic herbicide and pesticides in copious amounts. While these may be legal in theory, in practice, the run off adds to the problems of Great Lake pollution.
* Often rely on gas-powered devices such as lawnmowers and weed-whackers to cut the grass and trim the edges. This, contributes to air pollution

For some people, while gardening is all about creativity and relaxation, lawns are all about time spent that you may never get back. Moreover, a lawn has to look just right if you do not want to be derided by the neighbors or, in some jurisdictions, be fined.

The Solution: Replace the Lawn

Front yard landscaping does not have to be above a lawn. You have several options. These are suitable for many homes and can address the worries and concerns of authorities, homeowners and even neighbors. You can choose any of the following paths to follow:

 * Ground Covers: They provide a springy and walkable carpet that looks good and requires little maintenance including watering. Make sure they are native plants to ensure their survival and low maintenance demands.

 * Native Grasses: These plants require less intensive labor and survive on remarkably little water. Make sure you choose ones that are native to your city or area.

  * Plantings: Remove much of the grass and replace it with lovely plantings. These can range from perennials and annuals combined with trees, shrubbery, hedges, and other types of plants. This will require the use of such accessories or additions such as rocks, mulch or even paving stones.

Any of these can replace a lawn.

Front Yard Landscaping

Your front yard can and should be about more than your St Paul residential lawn. It can be esthetically pleasing and well groomed, without the monotone appearance of grass. Talk to a professional about your decision. He or she can help you come up with a front yard landscaping design that will make you wonder why you took so long to replace your lawn.

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