Frequently Asked Questions About The Hydrafacial MD Treatment

by | Oct 14, 2016 | Medical Spa

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In Michigan, patients undergo cosmetic facial procedures to address skin concerns. These concerns are often the direct results of poor hydration. For this reason, clinicians are offering a new treatment to correct these conditions. The following are frequently asked questions about the HydraFacial MD Treatment.

What is a Hydrafacial Treatment?

The treatment consists of a two-step process. First, the clinician removes all dead skin cells and bacteria from the skin. Next, they infuse the skin with moisturizing serums that refresh the skin quickly. The procedure is tailored to fit each patient’s needs. It allows them to treat normal, oily, and combination skin.

Why is the Treatment Beneficial?

The benefit of the treatment is healthy revitalized skin. It corrects signs of aging attributed to a lack of moisture. The patient achieves beautiful and long-lasting results.

Who Should Get the Treatment?

Any candidate can receive this treatment. It is designed to treat all skin types and doesn’t produce irritation for patients with sensitive skin. The clinician discusses the requirements for the procedure with their patients to determine which serums and ingredients are right for them. The clinicians take a more personalized approach when providing this skin treatment.

What Should Patients Know About the Treatment?

Patients shouldn’t wear any makeup or lotion when preparing for their treatment. It doesn’t require any downtime for the healing process. The treatment takes only about thirty minutes to complete. The patient can return to their normal activities after the treatment. They aren’t restricted in terms of makeup or lotion applications after the procedures. They won’t experience any sensitivity to sunlight after the procedure is completed.

How Long Do the Results Last Typically?

The results of the treatment last up to one week. Clinicians recommend that patients receive the treatment at least once a month. One treatment each month provides correction of unwanted skin conditions. It also reduces the visible signs of aging.

In Michigan, clinicians offer facial treatments to promote a healthy lifestyle. These treatments address conditions such as acne, oily or dry skin, and irritation. Patients who wish to schedule a HydraFacial MD Treatment visit website or their Facebook for more information today.

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