Freezer organization and shelving for safety and efficiency

by | Sep 26, 2017 | Business

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Freezer organization is important both for the efficient flow of work and the continued efficiency of the freezer. When the freezer is left open for extended periods of time, the cold air inside escapes, such that when it is closed, it will likely have to cool the air inside all over again. This often happens when employees do not know where the items in the freezer are. This problem can be remedied through proper arrangement of the freezer;

Proper Shelving

There are shelving standards that are approved and tested in different countries and regions and are meant to be used as foundation for safe storage of different types of goods and materials like food and medicine. This should be the first consideration when shelving. Make sure the right coating is chosen that will withstand frequent cleaning and cold, damp environments. One simple rule of thumb that always appears among these standards is that the lowest shelf should be at least 6 inches above the ground. This means the food is kept away from the dirt and pests and the area underneath the shelves is easier to clean.

Raw Meat

Raw meat is one of the items that is stored a commercial walk in cooler in Charleston, SC. When storing meat, make sure it is on the lowest shelves. This is because when meat is thawed or marinating, there is always the possibility of the liquid dripping onto other things. Generally, make sure all the food in the cooler or freezer is covered to avoid cross-contamination. Cooked meat products can, however, be stored on higher levels.


In order to keep the cooler or freezer running efficiently, there must be plenty of room left for the air to circulate around the various stored items. The rule of thumb is at least three inches of space between the items such that they will be able to cool evenly. Remember, though that delicate foods like fruits and vegetables can easily get damaged if they are stored too close to the fans.


Proper organization also calls for good labelling. This is especially important when it comes to food. Sometimes, one box or kind of food looks like another, and this might be confusing.

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