Flavored Cigars – The Perfect Change of Pace

by | Aug 24, 2015 | Business

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If you enjoy a fine cigar you are not alone. The aroma and taste sensation cannot be compared to anything else on earth. However, you also might want a change of pace and flavored cigars may be just what you are looking for. In fact, with all the great flavors available, it can be hard to decide which ones to try.

Why Flavored Cigars?

Many cigar aficionados are not interested in a flavored cigar all the time. However, occasionally it’s nice to break with the usual and go for something different. When you choose a flavored smoke, there’s no reason to buy something cheap, because if you buy a cheap cigar, you’ll get a cheap cigar experience. However, fine flavored cigars don’t have to break your budget either, and here are some excellent examples.

Acid 1400 cc

This is one of the most unusual tasting flavored cigars, as it comes from a proprietary blend of tobaccos. It has great tobacco flavor and also a sweet aftertaste. The smoke is mild and pleasant, and the flavor is never overpowering.

Acid Blondie Belacoso

This cigar is called a torpedo due to its short tapered shape. Hold the cigar under your nose before lighting and you might think you are smelling some kind of exotic candy. If you want a sweet cigar, this is the one to try. The Acid Blonde is extremely aromatic and should not be stored with other types of cigars. This will ensure they keep their fantastic aroma and not pass it on to your other fine smokes.


Are you looking for premium flavored cigars made by hand? Baccarat is known for its special kind of sweetness. Smooth and rich, and full of body, they are most satisfying when you are craving something sweet and they don’t have any calories.

Baccarat Cigarillos Rum are made from premium aged tobaccos and provide a Cuban taste in a small and delightful smoke. In addition, you will receive a mild sensation which is never harsh, and the rum flavor will take you on a Caribbean journey of taste delights.

Backwoods Sweet Aromatic

Do you want something to take with you out of doors? How about a small cigar with a great sweet taste, and not too expensive or overpowering? Backwoods Sweet Aromatics are so mild and great tasting, many cigar lovers choose them for their everyday smokes. No matter what kind of flavored cigars you like, you can find the best selections and prices when you shop online.

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