Facts About Teeth Whitening in Tacoma WA

by | Mar 26, 2018 | Dental Care

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When it comes to Teeth Whitening in Tacoma WA, brightness and the type of lighting matters. For example, when around various types of light bulbs, the teeth will look more yellow or whiter. Depending on the time of day, the teeth will look more or less yellow.

Early in the morning, a bluish component may be present and, in some cases, natural outdoor lighting will make a person’s teeth appear whiter. In contrast, outdoor lighting at the end of the day will make teeth look more yellow.

Tobacco and colored drinks

Two substances contained in cigarettes are particularly known for creating stains: tar and nicotine. Colored foods and drinks contain chromogens (colored pigments) attach easily to tooth enamel. They are found, among others, in the following products:

 * Coffee
 * Tea
 * Red wine
 * Dark soft drinks
 * Dark fruit juices (grapes, cranberries, etc.)
 * Tomato soup
 * Curry
 * Beets

Why should people whiten their teeth?

People are constantly in search of the perfect amount of beauty, and some people just want to improve their physical appearance. A growing number of adults are turning to orthodontics to enhance the aesthetics of their smile and achieve better masticatory function. People also want to get whiter teeth with Teeth Whitening in Tacoma WA.

Even if someone brushes their teeth two or three times a day and flosses once a day, these habits are unfortunately not enough to keep their teeth white. Dental whitening, therefore, comes into play to restore radiance to a person’s smile.

Types of dental whitening

Two types of whitening are offered: home-based whitening with over-the-counter products and professional whitening in the dental office. In some cases, teeth whitening can make a noticeable difference to a person’s smile. In other cases, the results will be less important, depending on the nature of the stains on the teeth.

What to expect?

An improvement of two to three shades may represent a visible difference on a smile that has lost its luster over time. Dental bleach normally brings about a change of two to seven shades. Yellowish teeth usually respond better to whitening treatment than greyish teeth. Whitening products will have no effect on artificial crowns (including implant crowns and bridges and veneers), partial and complete dentures and composite resin restorations (white fillings).

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