Estimations About How Often an Emergency Locksmith Service Near Chicago Is Needed

by | Sep 4, 2017 | Locksmith

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Even with all the smart keys prevalent now, an emergency locksmith service near Chicago is still very much in demand. People seem to lock themselves out of their homes and cars as much as they ever did, and they often don’t have quick access to a spare key. In other cases, somebody else locks them out or they decide they need their home’s locks changed immediately after another person moves out.

Vehicle Lockouts

The number of professional lockout services performed daily or weekly in any given area is unclear. However, in a metro area the size of Chicago, it can be estimated that one locksmith might receive 15 to 20 calls per day from people needing the service for their vehicle. That includes people who call their roadside assistance insurer; some of those companies contract with area locksmiths and send them out when needed.

Home Lockouts

Home lockouts requiring locksmith service near Chicago are much less common. A Chicago-area locksmith might answer calls for this type of assistance only two or three times per week. There are several reasons for this. Often, somebody else is home and can let the person in. A neighbour or a friend who lives nearby may have a spare key and can run over with it. People also tend to keep a spare key or two hidden somewhere outside the house, condo or apartment.

In addition, they may leave the door to the house that’s located inside the garage unlocked, and they can enter the garage door with the remote. Many people have a keypad on the garage allowing them to raise the door if they don’t have the remote with them.


The sheer number of vehicles in the metro area at any given time is another consideration. The U.S. Census reports that each household in the nation has about two vehicles. And not only area residents drive through Chicago, park the car and spend time somewhere in the city. They might lose their car keys as they rush from meeting to meeting or try to fit as many tourist attractions into one day as possible. They’ll need help from a company like Amazing Lock Service.

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