Does Your Septic Tank Need a Professional Plumbing Technician in Allentown, PA?

by | Feb 14, 2018 | Plumbing

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A septic tank should be pumped about every three to five years; how often you need it pumped will depend on how often it is used. The tank at a lake house or a vacation home might not need to be pumped nearly as often as the septic tank at a restaurant, for example. However, you will need to pump it eventually. Furthermore, you’ll need an actual servicing of the tank from time to time. The servicing of the tank usually helps clear the pipes and the drainfield. A professional plumbing technician can assess the state of your tank and drainfield to determine if you need service.

The Drainfield

Your septic tank drains water from the middle of the tank after the oil and solid waste have separated out. This gray water is a compostable mixture. To that end, the water is piped into a drainfield in your yard. The drainfield is made of sand or some other kind of fine organic matter. There are also microbes in the soil. The soil helps filter out any solids that might be in the wastewater and the microbes convert organic matter into compost. That is actually fairly healthy for your yard. However, as with any type of filter, the filter can become clogged. In that case, you’ll need a professional plumbing technician in Allentown, PA.

They will assess the state of your drainfield and able to amend it. There are ways to do that that aren’t actually very invasive for your yard.

Effluent Pump

In some cases, the drainfield might be at a higher elevation than the drainfield. This means that the wastewater, the effluent, will need some help getting into the drainfield. An effluent pump will do that and a professional plumbing technician can install one. They are similar to sump pumps that push water out of an area but they are much more robust and durable. If you think that you need effluent pump repair or installation, you should call Tim Beil Plumbing at 610-261-2074. You can connect with them on Facebook for more details!

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