Does Your Sales Team Connect Efficiently with Your Company’s Software?

by | Feb 15, 2017 | Hardware and Software

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When a member of your team completes a sale, the process of recording that information and sharing it with the relevant departments is vital to your company’s strength. Where your salesforce integration causes problems or fails to be available when it is needed, your company’s profits are falling.

Moving A Sale to Your Accounts Department

Your salesforce integration must instantly confirm that when a product is sold, it is removed from the database, yet appears within the company’s accounts. This provides real-time data, allowing management to reorder stock at predefined levels while offering your accounts department up-to-date information about cash flow, billing, and profit levels.

Developers are required to identify each separate area of their software models to ensure that synchronization is completed efficiently. Should one area of the business fail to receive the necessary data, they may work blindly, without knowing what is happening in another area of the same business.

The developers must build a failure alert where information is not passed between the sales team and the system.

Sales Teams Stand-Alone

It is not uncommon for sales teams to believe that their data can stand alone within a single channel and not be readily available for other departments to analyze and criticize.

They must be shown the advantages of salesforce integration, which may include bonuses being paid quickly or receiving salient information about sales levels during a trading period, compared to targets.

Developers who use their intuition to build innovative tools which bring together customers, sales teams and all the necessary departments within a business, will always be more successful than those who confuse and fail to plan ahead.

The key is for developers to work on a plan where every department in the organization has communicated their requirements so that a total build is manageable, rather than being influenced by specific departments who require their information ahead of others.

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