Consider Dental Implants in New Haven, CT to Replace Missing Teeth

by | Apr 24, 2017 | Dentist

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Losing a tooth as an adult can cause a lot of problems. Other teeth might shift to fill the space where the missing tooth was. Bone loss could potentially cause more teeth to become loose. Depending on where the missing tooth was located, it might also be more difficult to eat. People with missing teeth sometimes have to change their diet to softer foods so they don’t hurt their gums. Unfortunately, those with missing teeth may also suffer self-esteem issues and smile less in public because they don’t want to be judged by others.

Modern technology has provided an effective solution to all of these problems. Dental Implants in New Haven CT offer people an opportunity to fill in the spaces where teeth once were with posts that can hold a crown that looks and functions like a natural tooth. Implants are an alternative to traditional methods of tooth replacement like fixed and removable bridges that caused damage to the adjacent teeth when they were installed. Although implants are more expensive than bridges, they are a permanent solution that can be cared for like natural teeth.

Once the Dental Implants in New Haven CT have been installed, they don’t require any maintenance other than brushing and flossing. Although they are not natural teeth, it’s important to remove any food or bacteria that might get stuck on them because it could damage the adjacent teeth. If the missing tooth was in the front of the mouth, a person with a new implant may smile a lot more than normal because they feel so comfortable with a full set of teeth. This improved confidence could carry over to other aspects of their lives, making a dental implant a very good investment.

Those with one or more missing teeth can talk to their dentist to find out if they are a good candidate for implants. They can also visit us to learn more about the process and the investment required to replace a tooth this way. Some dental insurance plans pay a portion of the cost of the procedure but may require an authorization to get coverage.

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