Common Mistakes in Commercial Roofing in Montgomery County

by | Mar 27, 2017 | Roofing

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Flat roofs are common parts of many commercial buildings. While they have tremendous advantages, they do require proper assembly and maintenance to remain functional. Some common maintenance mistakes can cause serious problems in the long term, but the below errors are easily avoided.

Inadequate Drainage

When flat Commercial Roofing in Montgomery County is installed, the contractor should ensure it is properly sloped and that drain spouts are correctly placed. Insufficient drainage can result in water collection that can cause damaging leaks. When maintenance is performed, the roofer will check for ponding and remove debris from drain spouts.

Improper Coating

Depending on the local climate, a contractor may need to apply different coatings to preserve the roof’s integrity. Some building owners forget to consider roof coating during the installation of Commercial Roofing in Montgomery County or they choose a coating that’s not suited to the climate. If a commercial building owner is not sure as to what type of coating is right for their roof, they should consult a roofing contractor.

Piecemeal Repairs

Another common mistake occurs when building owners fail to make sufficient repairs. Some owners may only address readily apparent issues rather than finding the cause of the problem. It is best to consult a roofing contractor who can recommend the appropriate course of action.

Low-Quality Installation

Some commercial roofing issues begin with improper installations. These problems can include poor flashing installation, the use of weak roofing membranes, and insufficient caulking. If a roof has installation errors, it should be inspected by a contractor who can diagnose and resolve issues before they become major.

Poor Ventilation

Ventilation is a common issue with commercial flat roofing. When a roof is installed, the contractor should include adequate ventilation to prevent excess moisture buildup. Excessive moisture can cause premature decay, mildew, and mold growth, but proper ventilation can prevent moisture from building up under the roof.

To avoid these damaging and expensive mistakes, it is important to regularly inspect commercial roofs for damage and drainage problems. These inspections should be done by a licensed roofing contractor at least once per year to diagnose and resolve issues before they cause more problems. Visit Website Domain to schedule an estimate or a service call.

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