Beautify Your Home With Wood Chips From Portland Landscaping Stores

by | Mar 27, 2020 | Home And Garden

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Wood chips are often seen in yards around trees and flowers. While this is a common way to use the small pieces of wood, there are other ideas to consider as well. If you want to add a little color to your yard, then consider getting chips that are dyed red or another color instead of leaving them in their natural state.


Although charcoal can deliver delicious flavors when you’re grilling, wood chips can give your food a smoky flavor that can make it taste like it has been sitting over an open fire for several hours. Keep in mind that the different sizes and types of wood chips from Portland, OR, companies can sometimes result in a variety of flavors in your food.


One way to keep your flowers and trees in your yard as healthy as possible is to spread mulch around the base of each area. You can use mulch as a flower bed before planting flowers and shrubs to try to keep moisture from draining as quickly from the roots. Mulch can also keep dirt from eroding so that nutrients are absorbed by the plants.


You can use wood chips from Portland, OR to create pathways around your home. The mulch often stays in place compared to dirt as dirt can sometimes wash away over time. Mulch also tends to make less of a mess, which is beneficial if you want to keep the interior of your home clean from people walking outside.

Learn about other ways you can use wood chips around your home by contacting Red Bark Inc.

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