Carpenter bees nest in wood. They prefer bare, unpainted, or weathered softwoods like pine, cedar, and cypress, but any wood surface can be susceptible to carpenter bees. Although these bees do not sting, they can wreak untold havoc on homes as they drill into the...
Liane Metz
Dependable, Reliable, and Affordable Cosmetic Dentist Plano
Ideally, most people get orthodontia work done during their teens. It is not uncommon for high schoolers to have a mouth full of metal until their senior prom. These days older adults are finding it more commonplace to get braces above age fifty. Older adults are...
Protect Your Home with Pest Control in Alexandria VA
Protecting a home from damage and their family from harm is the primary goal of all homeowners. Unfortunately, there are a variety of insects and rodents that can invade a home. These pests can cause serious damage in the home and even pose health risks to family...
Would You Like to Know More About Exotic Animal Medical Care in Joppa, MD?
Not all pet owners own dogs or cats. They may also own an exotic animal, such as a lizard or snake. If you count yourself among these pet owners, you need to make sure you find a veterinarian that will take care of your unusual pet. What Type of Lizard Do You Have?...
Why Choose Custom Fabricated Trailer Services: Shingle Springs, CA
Not all trailers are created equal. For example, a concession trailer isn't the same as an ATV trailer and both will not meet the same needs. A trailer for your business or hobbies should be customized to meet all of your business needs and more. When choosing custom...