Activities To Help Break the Ice with Roommates in Mississippi

by | Jul 30, 2021 | Student Housing Center

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College is a great time to make new friends and to form lifelong bonds. When you move into student Apartments, you may have friends that you have known for a long time. But you may have a roommate, but you have never met before. To get along and work together, you will have to develop some sort of rapport. Here are activities you can do with your roommate to break the ice and get the conversation flowing.

Cook Together

Student housing at Ole Miss comes with a large, spacious kitchen and modern appliances. This attractive space is a great area to spend with your roommate. You can invite them to take a group trip to the grocery store and cook a meal together. This excursion is a great way to work together as a team and a chance to sit down to chat while enjoying a tasty meal.

Play Games

The community for student housing at Ole Miss has many amenities that provide you with ways to have fun. You can find a gym, resort-style swimming pool, volleyball court, yoga studio, and even an outdoor TV. You can meet your roommates in these areas to relax and get to know each other better. Or you can engage in a healthy competition that will allow you to deepen your relationships.

In this student-oriented apartment community serving the University of Mississippi, enjoy a spacious apartment or townhome, just a short ride to campus. Designed around the way you want to live; Archive Oxford offers a full set of amenities to complete a well-rounded lifestyle. For more details, visit their website or contact them today.

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