Learning To Safely Invest In Display Ads

by | Aug 10, 2017 | Advertising and Marketing

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Owned and earned media continues to grow and constitutes a significant portion of any marketing budget. However, paid media, such as online display advertising, is certainly not going anywhere. As a matter of fact, it’s estimated that the spending put towards display ads will nearly double before the year 2020. It’s impossible to imagine a marketing campaign without display ads.

Each business has its own budget and it’s up to them to make the most of that budget. Whether they are a small start-up working with a few thousand dollars or a massive company with millions to spend. They need to effectively invest in online display advertising if they want to avoid unneeded losses. That includes learning to avoid potential dangers.

How Bots Ruined Advertising

Turn the clock back five years and you might be surprised by the number of companies that were being scammed by bots. Companies paid for ad impressions, but then other companies would pay bots to fake those impressions. This resulted in your advertising bill climbing, but without having any benefit to the company. Today, there are measures in place to prevent this scam from happening.

Viewable Impressions Save the Day

The idea is to invest in viewable impressions for your online display advertising campaigns. This means that the ads need to have a certain percentage of pixels viewable for a certain amount of time. Overall, it’s much safer to invest in display ads today than it was a few years back. Scamming still occurs, but it’s not nearly as frequent as it used to be.

Getting Help From The Right Places

Surprisingly, many business owners did not know that nearly 30 percent of their online display advertising impressions were being faked by the competition. And today there are potential dangers that business owners may not be aware of. That’s why it’s important that they let a professional marketing firm handle their advertising needs. A professional firm is aware of the dangers and knows what it takes to keep their clients safe.

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