Picking the Proper Placement for In Ground Swimming Pools in Sacramento, CA

by | Dec 9, 2015 | Swimming Pools

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There is a difference between an above ground swimming pool and one that is buried in the ground. The difference is really in the feeling and convenience that it provides in forming that outdoor relaxation space. There are several items to consider when picking out the placement for an in ground pool.

The access to the In Ground Swimming Pools Sacramento CA is something to consider. The access points from the house and the ones in the yard must be considered when deciding location. While easy access is a primary indicator, too close to the home can result in flooding inside. In addition, there can be city and homeowner’s association regulations that dictate the distance from fencing or from the yards of the neighbors.

The location of underground cables, electrical and plumbing lines is another part of proper placement of the pool. If the location of these items is unknown, a survey may have to be done to uncover these lines. Contact an electrician or the electrical company for information about these types of lines. A plumber will help locate sprinkler or drainage lines. The cable company can help with identifying the pathway of the underground wiring. Once all of these lines have been identified and marked, the lines can be moved if they are going to be in the way of the new pool. If they can’t be moved, the pool may have to be planned around them.

The placement of permanent structures such as patios or garages can inhibit the location of the In Ground Swimming Pools Sacramento CA. If they are in the way, they will have to be completely demolished depending on how much space they take up. This may add to the costs of installing the pool. Plans can be made to work around objects that are intended to be left in place.

The position of the pool is a part of the planning process. With proper placement, the enjoyment can be maximized. The access point, location of lines and the other structures in the yard will impact where in the yard the pool will be placed. For more information or help on planning, contact Geremia Pools.

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