What Divorce Attorneys in Caldwell, TX, Will Need From You

by | May 22, 2024 | Lawyers and Law Firms

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Beginning the divorce process can be messy and complicated for even the most put-together people. Your first consultation with divorce attorneys in Caldwell, TX, will enlighten you on the process, but we want to make this difficult time as easy as possible for you. First, let’s look at the questions you can expect during that first consultation.

First Consultation Questions

Divorce attorneys in Caldwell, TX, will need to ask you questions, some personal. These questions accomplish three things: getting to know you, figuring out your objectives for the divorce, and what strategies will be best. You can expect the following questions:

  • What are your expectations? Tell your lawyer your goals for the divorce. Do you want alimony? What child support/custody do you want? How do you want to split assets?
  • What are your non-negotiables? Consider including things like a family business or home and financial accounts such as pensions or Roth IRAs.
  • What are you willing to negotiate on? You likely don’t fully understand the divorce process. Your lawyer will explain what is best to negotiate on.
  • Do you have a prenup? Prenups can significantly impact divorce proceedings, but they aren’t always binding. Your lawyer can determine your options.
  • What debts or assets did you bring into the marriage? You can often walk away with what you brought in, good or bad.


Divorce lawyers in Caldwell, TX, need numerous documents from you. Marriage is a legally binding contract between two people that essentially meshes your life with that of someone else, so the process involves a lot of bureaucracy. You’ll need:

  • Personal documents: Birth and marriage certificates, life and health insurance policies, wills, power of attorney documents, and prenups
  • Financial documents: Employment info and income, a complete list of assets (bank accounts, investments, pensions, cars, homes, and anything else of significant value), tax returns, and a written list of anything you brought into the marriage or large gifts given solely to you.
  • Childcare Info: Costs of childcare, evidence of both parent’s involvement with the child/children, and health records that could impact custody

Preparing and organizing for your first consultation will strengthen your divorce journey. Gather as much as you can, and remember that your lawyer is there to help you through the process.

If you need help from divorce attorneys in Caldwell, TX, visit Key Law Office.

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