Unwrapping the Power of Programmatic Display Ads for the Holiday Season

by | Nov 22, 2023 | Advertising and Marketing

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The holiday season is just around the corner and what better way to prepare than to take advantage of programmatic display ads. Programmatic advertising is an automated way of buying, selling and displaying digital ads on websites. This is a great opportunity for marketers to reach their target audience in a more efficient and effective way. We will go through some ways that programmatic display ads can be utilized during the holiday season.

One of the most important aspects of programmatic advertising is targeting the right audience. During the holiday season, people tend to shop for gifts and other items. Marketers can make use of programmatic display ads to target audiences based on their interests. Using data from previous purchases, search history, and demographic information, finding the right audience becomes easier. Marketers can also make use of location-based targeting to attract people shopping in specific areas. This will increase the chances of customers viewing the ads and later making a purchase.

Programmatic advertising allows for dynamic creative, which is the ability to customize ads based on This feature is particularly useful during the holiday season as it allows marketers to customize the ad’s message and design to the audience. For instance, customers in colder climates can be served ads for clothing that would suit their weather, or audiences with an intent to buy electronics could be served ads featuring the newest gadgets. This helps in creating an emotional connection between the audience and the brand.

Another great benefit of programmatic display ads is the ability to optimize the ads in real-time. This allows marketers to adjust the targeting, bidding strategy, and creatives based on the ad’s performance. During the holiday season, there is a lot of competition from other brands, and the cost of advertising can skyrocket. Real-time optimization helps in controlling the costs by providing valuable insights into what works and what doesn’t. This way, brands can adjust their ads and bids accordingly.

Shopping behavior during the holiday season is different from other periods. People tend to use different devices to research and shop for products. Cross-device advertising allows marketers to display ads to the same consumer across various devices. This ensures that the customer sees the ad on different devices and increases the chances of making a purchase. For instance, someone who views an ad on their mobile phone could later see the same ad on their laptop. This helps in keeping the brand top-of-the-mind to the consumer.

The holiday season is a busy time for marketers. With the plethora of brands trying to vie for customers’ attention, utilizing programmatic display ads can be a lifesaver. Programmatic advertising allows marketers to optimize their ads in real-time, target specific audiences, use dynamic creatives, and utilize cross-device advertising. Awarity can help you unwrap the power of programmatic display ads during this holiday season. Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information on how we can help your brand reach its target audience.

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