You might have recently had a baby, and there could be a birth injury that could be a medical negligence claim. It would be best to learn about common birth injuries by visiting the Roselle medical malpractice attorneys. They have over 50 years of legal experience, and their birth injury, mesothelioma, and worker’s compensation suits mean they know how to win cases. Some indications of birth injuries include:
Facial nerve damage
Clavicle or collarbone fractures
Nerve injuries to the hands and arms
Head swelling or bruising
A blood vessel in the baby’s eyes may break
What Are The Most Common Birth Injuries?
Collarbone fractures are the most common birthing injuries. They often happen during complicated deliveries. However, this can happen due to a medical error. Some of these fractures heal quickly, while others heal after a significant period.
Bruising and Forceps Marks
Some newborns naturally suffer bruising during birth. The baby could also have bruises from the forceps or other medical instruments.
Subconjunctival Hemorrhage
It may happen if the tiny blood vessels in the baby’s eyes crack. The baby’s eyes become red for some days after birth. It may be a minor injury, but it may eventually lead to vision problems or blindness.
Other birth injuries include cephalohematoma, brachial palsy, and falls, which may lead to organ or brain damage. Roselle medical malpractice attorneys are devoted to obtaining justice for their clients. They have a record of successful outcomes in multiple birth injury cases.
What are the most common birth injuries, and how can you get assisted in obtaining justice?
Contact I Am Calling My Lawyer for more information.