Why You Need a Residential Roofer in Boulder, CO After a Storm

by | Jul 13, 2022 | Roofing

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During storms, high winds and hail can severely damage a roof. If a homeowner has a shingle, metal or other type of roofing material, the wind can pull this material up, or loosen the roofing material. Once the material is loose or removed, it can allow water to get into the attic of the home.

The Destruction a Bad Roof Can Cause

Some severe weather events may seem not that severe to homeowners. They may look out and think that this is just a normal thunderstorm, and nothing is wrong with their home. However, it only takes a little bit of hail, or a small amount of wind to do damage.

Once the materials of the roof have been compromised, the entire home is in danger. As soon as the roof starts to leak, the water will get into the insulation of the home. Wet insulation will cause problems with the home not being heated or cooled efficiently. Once the water has made its way to the wood construction of the home, it can cause that wood to rot. It can also cause mold and mildew to build up in the home. If this happens, it can lead to health problems and a very expensive remediation project.

If a homeowner has dealt with hail and heavy winds due to a storm, they will want to find a residential roofer in Boulder CO as soon as possible. This is even true if they do not see any signs of a damaged roof. An experienced residential roofer in Boulder, CO will be able to inspect the roof and perform immediate repairs.

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