When it comes to institutional use, a higher quality of paint needs to be used rather than the traditional paint that is so often used in homes. Of course, this does not mean that this same high performance paint cannot be used in a residential setting. It most certainly can be and, in fact, there are many reasons why this type of paint is used.
Ultra Durable
When compared to traditional paint, high performance stands up much better in high-traffic areas or in areas where there is a lot of demanding use. It has been specifically manufactured to be quite durable even under the most intense duress.
Resistant To Environmental Factors
Traditional paint has the negative aspect of being prone to damage from such things as moisture, mildew, and mold. However, when high performance paint is used in place of cheap paint, you do not have to worry about these things. Technological updates have proven that resistance to bacteria or air pollution can be added to paint with little to no trouble at all.
Enhanced Colors
High performance paint will contain more of the actual colors that you are looking for, unlike cheaper paints that have fillers that add bulk, but little of anything else. The binders used in higher quality paint allow it to stick more reliably to surfaces and avoid the blistering and cracking that cheap paint endures.