Student Apartments Are A Better Option Than Living On Campus in Depaul

by | Jan 14, 2022 | Student Housing Center

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Going to college can be an especially stressful time, and one thing that is actually responsible for that stress in many cases is living on campus. This is just one of the many reasons that living in student apartments near Depaul campus.

Choosing Your Own Roommate

When you live on campus, you don’t get to pick who you live with. The school picks for you. However, when you live in a student apartment, you choose who moves in. If you don’t need a roommate, that’s fine too. You can have the luxury of living by yourself. It is completely up to you and leaves you in charge of your living situation.

Living Near Things You Enjoy

Schools may try and sell you on the fact that when you live on campus, you are ultra-close to your classes. However, what they do not tell you is the fact that is all you are close to. When you make the decision to live in your own apartment, you are generally located near all the things you love about the city, including shops, restaurants, and more.

Generous Amenities

Apartment buildings always have more amenities than do college dorm rooms. Instead of a mini-fridge and worn furniture, you can instead have a full-sized refrigerator in a traditional kitchen that you can actually use as well as other perks such as a pool and study space in the community area of the apartments near Depaul campus. If you are looking for spacious living areas when you are attending college, contact Ion Lincoln Park today.

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