Wallpaper has remained one of the most common decor choices for decades. The use of wallpaper faded in popularity at the end of the 20th century as home and business owners embraced white painted walls. Even during that lull wallpaper still added interest to many rooms in the form of colorful borders.
The popularity of wallpaper has now returned as modern designers seek out stylish, colorful, and elegant options to brighten homes and commercial buildings. Anyone looking for wallpaper that will update the look of their business instantly should consider some of the popular trendy styles now available. The variety of options makes it easy for anyone to find something that will appeal to them.
Replicated Natural Materials
The advanced printing abilities for modern wallpaper enable the manufacturers to create amazingly realistic images. Wallpaper made to look like reclaimed wood, brick, and natural stone are showing up in stylish places across the country. Modern commercial wallpaper in Boca Raton FL can instantly transform any bland wall in an office, restaurant, or shop into a beautiful focal point. Some wallpaper is even made from natural materials like grasscloth and cork.
Inspired Retro Patterns
The geometric shapes popular during the 1960s and 1970s have undergone a modern transformation. Circles, diamonds, abstract lines and much more cover modern commercial wallpaper in Boca Raton FL. The patterns are typically a larger scale than the overly busy small prints of past decades. Also, many papers offer deeper colors and metallics for added interest.
Striking Picture Murals
Murals today no longer look like oversized oil paintings. Modern murals include crisp photographs of cityscapes, scenic areas, and much more. The addition of a mural adds color and interest in any room and can help to create a mood. Cover a wall in a spa with a tranquil forest image or add a city skyline to the background of a windowless wall for an instantly intriguing view.
Wallpaper is a quick and easy way to completely change the look of any room. Wallcoverings can help to hide wall imperfections, add to a design theme, or increase the trendiness of any room. Check out Website Domain to see the variety of papers available today or to schedule a consultation with a design professional.