Plumbers in Great Falls VA Assist Homeowners Who Want a Bathroom in the Basement

by | Apr 11, 2018 | Plumbing and Plumbers

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To have a basement bathroom installed quickly and error-free, hiring professional plumbers in Great Falls, VA is the best strategy. A general contractor can frame the walls and install a door, but many homeowners have enough do-it-yourself skills to complete this part of the project.

The Main Advantages

The main purpose of a basement bathroom typically is to have an extra toilet in the house, and a sink is almost always included as well. Many people also want an extra shower too, or even a bathtub with a shower. Although there is obviously some expense involved, this additional facility will increase the value of the home as well as provide remarkably more convenience for the residents and their guests.

A List of Features

The homeowners should write up a list of all the features they want in this room. In some cases, the room will be an extremely basic space with just a toilet, sink, overhead light and the existing concrete floor. The customers of plumbers in Great Falls, VA will still need to decide on styles and colors for the fixtures. If they want another flooring material to go over the concrete, that’s a consideration. They’ll need to determine whether they want a standalone shower stall and if it will have a door or a curtain.


If the bathroom can be situated near plumbing that’s already in place, it will be an easier and more affordable project to be completed through a company such as Business Name. Basements typically include plumbing for the washing machine, water heater and perhaps a water softener.

Increasing Satisfaction

Having a simple lavatory is certainly the least expensive option, but an extra shower can greatly increase satisfaction with the home. If the basement has been fixed up and is sometimes used as a guest room, the bathroom with a shower is a smart idea. That’s even more advisable if someone who lives in the house has essentially moved into the basement. This sometimes happens when teenagers decide it’s important to have their bedroom or when an adult child moves back in.

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