9 Reasons Not To Hire An Outsourced VP Of Business Development

by | Aug 16, 2024 | Sales coaching

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When it comes to the essential role of Vice President of Business Development, outsourcing may not always be the ideal option. This position necessitates a thorough awareness of the company’s culture, products, and long-term strategy, which might be difficult for an external contractor to comprehend. Before hiring an outsourced VP of Business Development, consider the following reasons why it may be more advantageous to keep this function in-house.

  1. Lack of company-specific knowledge: An outsourced VP may not have the depth of understanding about your company’s products, services, and unique value proposition. This knowledge gap can hinder their ability to effectively represent your company and identify the most suitable business opportunities.

  2. Limited cultural alignment: Company culture plays a significant role in business development strategies and relationship building. An outsourced VP may struggle to fully embody and represent your company’s values and ethos in negotiations and partnerships.

  3. Divided attention and loyalty: Outsourced executives often work with multiple clients simultaneously. This division of focus can result in reduced dedication to your company’s specific goals and objectives.

  4. Shorter-term perspective: Contracted VPs may prioritize short-term gains over long-term strategic growth. This approach could lead to missed opportunities for sustainable business development that align with your company’s long-term vision.

  5. Reduced internal relationships: An outsourced VP may have limited interactions with other departments and team members. This can result in missed opportunities for cross-functional collaboration and innovation in business development initiatives.

  6. Confidentiality concerns: Sharing sensitive business information with an external contractor can pose security risks. There may be hesitation in providing full access to critical data, potentially limiting the VP’s effectiveness in their role.

  7. Inconsistent availability: Outsourced VPs may not be as readily available as in-house executives for impromptu meetings or urgent decisions. This reduced accessibility can slow down decision-making processes and hinder agile responses to business opportunities.

  8. Limited network integration: An in-house VP brings their professional network, which becomes intertwined with the company over time. An outsourced VP’s network may remain separate, reducing the long-term relationship-building potential for your business.

  9. Difficulty in performance evaluation: Assessing the true impact and value of an outsourced VP can be challenging, as they may not be fully integrated into your company’s performance metrics and evaluation systems. This can make it harder to justify the investment and ensure you’re getting the best return on your outsourcing expense.

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