5 Signs You Need an Implant Surgery

by | Aug 30, 2019 | Dental Care

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An implant can be the right solution to your tooth loss. Not everyone is eligible for the procedure, though. Let’s discuss five signs indicating that implant surgery is the best possible option for you.

Severely Damaged Tooth

Veneers only do so much. If your teeth are severely damaged or chipped, though, talk to an implant dentist in Leesburg about your possible options. If the damage is too extensive, you’re better off getting an implant.

Missing Teeth

If you have more than one damaged or infected tooth, then you’ll have a big gap in your teeth. That contributes to jawbone deterioration and gives you a sunken appearance, a condition that negatively affects most people’s confidence. Nip that problem in the bud by getting an implant. Implants promote osseointegration, which enables roots to stimulate the growth of your jawbone. The process reduces the risk of bone loss.

Weak Biting Pressure

Remember that veneers or other tooth replacement options like dentures and bridges aren’t as sturdy as an implant. Your teeth will look better, but any of these options won’t restore your biting force. Sooner or later, you’ll forget that and apply the same biting pressure you use with your natural teeth. That will leave you with a cracked or damaged denture or bridge. If you want a long-term solution to your tooth loss, opt for an implant.

Eating Problems

Ill-fitting dentures make it difficult for you to eat. Newly-adjusted ones tend to pinch, too. That discomfort gets in the way of your eating enjoyment. If you’re in pain or suffer a little discomfort when you eat with your dentures or bridges, that’s not ideal. Eliminate the discomfort before the problem worsens.

Embarrassing Situations

Loose dentures slip. That’s how they slide out of your mouth when you talk, laugh or eat. Prevent embarrassing situations by undergoing implant surgery. With an artificial root to keep your implants in place, you won’t need to worry about any slippage that could affect your speech or leave you in an embarrassing position. Talk, laugh and eat with confidence instead.

Choosing a Dentist

There are a few of ways to deal with severely damaged or missing teeth problems. Consult with a dental care specialist to find out which option is the best for you. Talk to a trusted implant dentist in Leesburg from Cascades Center for Dental Health.

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