5 Reasons to Switch to a Seafood Diet

by | Jan 16, 2018 | Restaurant

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Anyone who’s ever taken a bite out of mouthwatering seafood meals will find it hard to forget the taste. Here’s why it’s the best and why you’ll want to regularly swing by Faneuil Hall for the best seafood:

Healthy fats

A lot of seafood, especially fish, are healthy. Salmon, for one, is a good source of Omega-3 fats which is the good kind. If you think healthy food tastes bland and boring, salmons and mackerels can completely turn those beliefs around. You’ll find yourself craving for fish in no time.

Low calorie

Plenty of seafood are a great source of low calorie food. If you’re on a low calorie diet, then this should be the main starrer in your meals. Unlike other foods rich in protein, seafood is ideal for its low calorie levels. You can consume fewer calories all while you make sure that you’re hitting your daily protein needs, says the Seafood Health Facts.

Protein source

Seafood come with high levels of protein so you can get all the amino acids you need without even resorting to meat and poultry. Also, fish has less connective tissue. That makes it easy to digest. It’s also why fish is ideal for the elderly since there’s a lot less connective tissue, ensuring easier digestion.

Low sodium

The best thing about a lot of seafood is that they’re tasty all while being low in sodium levels. If you’re already on a low-sodium diet on the request of your doctor, then switching to meals high in tasty seafood is an excellent way to get the nutrition you need, lose weight and still eat food you love.

Vitamins and minerals

Many types of seafood are good sources of vitamins and minerals. Lobsters, for one, are a rich source of copper, B12, magnesium, vitamin E, zinc and more. If you want to start eating healthy but tasty food, look around for the best seafood in Faneuil Hall.

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