4 Reasons to Consider Pallet Recycling in Wisconsin

by | Sep 25, 2018 | Construction and Maintenance

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If you ship products for a living, you probably know all about the benefits of wooden shipping pallets. They provide firm support for cases of materials and can greatly speed up the process of loading trucks. However, what should you do when pallets get broken, and you cannot use them for shipping? Pallet recycling services in Wisconsin offer solutions to these problems. Here are 4 reasons to consider these services for your business.

1. Costs

No matter what business you run, operating costs are the most important thing to consider. You cannot stay in business long without making a profit. When you use pallet recycling services in Wisconsin, you can save your company money. For example, instead of throwing away bad pallets and skids, you can sell them, and this helps to pay for the costs of more shipping materials.

2. Better Organized Warehouses

Do you have a designated area for damaged pallets? If so, this can take up valuable space which you could use for storage, and you can have more free space available for other uses. When you sell your damaged pallets, you do not have to set aside a large area for them.

3. Improved Safety

If you have a lot of damaged pallets in your facility, it can create safety hazards. For instance, wood is flammable and may cause a fire hazard. Improperly stacked broken pallets may fall and injure someone, causing a lost time incident.

4. A Green Choice

When you choose pallet recycling services in Wisconsin, you are making an eco-friendly decision. Every recycled pallet helps to save trees and trees are an important resource which needs protection. When a company recycles materials, everyone on the planet benefits. When you engage in green practices, it is good for public relations and your business reputation.

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