4 Questions to Ask When Hiring Real Estate Lawyers in Chicago

by | Aug 29, 2016 | Lawyers

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Where real estate transactions are concerned, it makes sense to hire a legal professional. If a person wants to become a real estate investor or they are having problems with a purchase or sale, it may be time to hire real estate lawyers in Chicago. Potential clients should ask the below questions to ensure an attorney has the right qualifications and skills.

How Old Is the Practice?

One of the most critical qualities to look for in a real estate lawyer is their experience. Generally, the more complex the transaction, the more the lawyer’s experience will come into play. However, clients should consider that they may pay more for help from a lawyer with decades of experience than they would pay for the services of a new lawyer. Clients should ask the attorney whether they have experience practicing law within the state. Every state’s real estate laws are different, and an attorney should know the local rules.

How Many Similar Cases Have Been Handled?

Every transaction is different, and clients should find attorneys who have handled similar cases. Choosing a lawyer with transactional experience works to the client’s advantage because such a lawyer understands how to detect and prevent problems. Ideally, a client should find real estate lawyers in Chicago who offer a detailed action plan rather than vague claims and promises of success.

What Are the Fees?

Knowing how much the lawyer charges can eliminate much frustration later on. Depending on the case type, the client may be billed a flat rate or an hourly fee. If a case is billed per hour, the fee could be up to $500 hourly depending on the case’s complexity. While price is a crucial consideration in choosing an attorney, it should not be the only factor. Depending on the client’s situation, they may be able to negotiate a lower rate.

Will Others Work on the Case?

If a person considers hiring a larger law firm, they should know whether others will work on the case. In some situations, work may be handed to junior attorneys and paralegals, and the client should be comfortable with others accessing sensitive information. Clients should know how and when to get in contact with Starr Bejgiert Zink & Rowells because communication is an important part of the attorney-client relationship.

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