When to Look For Emergency Vet Care in Alexandria

by | May 11, 2017 | Animal Hospital

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Owning a pet comes with a great deal of responsibility. When something happens to a companion animal, it can be extremely stressful for both the pet and its owner. That’s why it’s a good idea to have a plan in place before an unexpected injury or illness occurs. Choosing a provider of emergency vet care in Alexandria isn’t all that hard, but it is an important decision. So is knowing when to make use of emergency services and when to wait for a visit to the animal’s regular veterinarian. As a rule, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. If a pet is experiencing any of the following problems, it’s time to call the emergency vet.

Signs of Poisoning

If there is any evidence an animal has ingested anything toxic, head to the vet immediately. Toxic substances include things like rat poison, but also antifreeze, household cleaners, and any medications not specifically prescribed to the animal. If an animal is showing other signs of serious digestive problems such as vomiting blood and swelling in the abdomen or has been experiencing diarrhea or vomiting for over 24 hours, it should also be taken to the vet.

Unexplained Bleeding

Animals producing bloody stool or urine should be examined immediately. Any unexplained signs of blood coming from the eyes, mouth, or nose should also be examined as soon as possible.

Sudden Disorientation

Animals that suddenly become very disoriented and begin to bump into things may be experiencing one of several serious health problems. Regardless of the eventual diagnosis, they need immediate treatment.

Pregnancy Complications

Most pet owners choose to allow their animals to give birth at home, and the vast majority of these home births go off without a hitch. If, however, a dog or a cat goes more than three hours between delivering her puppies or kittens, there may be complications with the pregnancy and Emergency Vet Care in Alexandria may be required.

Breathing Problems

Any pet showing signs of labored breathing should be seen immediately. This is equally true of animals that have objects lodged in their throats.

Unconscious Animals

If a pet is unconscious and cannot be woken up, it’s certainly a cause for alarm. Browse us for more information about veterinary services or call to schedule an appointment today.

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