What is a Quietcool Whole House Fan and What are the Benefits?

by | Oct 8, 2015 | Solar Energy

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Trying to keep a house cool in the summertime can be a real challenge. Electric bills start to severely increase and families start trying to see how high they can keep the thermostat to be able to keep the bills manageable. At the same time, there is always the desire to have clean, fresh air running throughout the house, decreasing the number of pollutants and increasing breath-ability. In the past, it might have seemed that these two desires could only be addressed using two separate products. But now, the Quietcool Whole House Fan works to eliminate both problems and create an ideal indoor environment.

How do the Quietcool fans work?

It might be hard to picture but the basis of the system is actual fans. These fans are installed into the ductwork of a home and work to pull out the hot, contaminated air and replace it with cooler, cleaner air. Because of the installation process and the fans themselves, with the flip of a switch the work begins. The design ensures that a resident can’t really hear the fans as they get the job done. The only limiting factor is the number of vents to the attic of the home. (Additional vents can be added to create a more efficient system.)

What are the benefits?

Better air quality is important. Traditional air conditioning units work to recycle the air inside the home over and over again. The same air is cooled and then recirculated throughout the home. This means that there is nothing really working to clean up the air that residents are breathing. With the Quietcool Whole House Fan, an addition element is added that brings in fresh air and pushes the stuffy, contaminated air out of the house.

With energy costs continuing to rise, there are worries about how much it costs to cool a home. The whole house fan uses somewhere between ten and twenty five percent of the energy of an AC unit while delivering effective results. This is a considerable savings especially considering that the fans are improving air quality at the same time. As an added bonus, the time it takes to cool off the air is much less than a traditional air conditioning unit.

Wondering if the whole house fan would work in your home? Contact US Green Solar for more information about pricing and benefits. You can also visit them on Twitter for more information.

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