What Disorders Do Chiropractors Treat?

by | Dec 7, 2016 | Health

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Most people that seek chiropractic care are seeking relief from back and neck pain. Using manual spinal manipulation, the Naperville chiropractor bring the musculoskeletal structure back into correct alignment. While performing these manipulations, the chiropractor applies controlled pressure to certain points along the spine that have been found to be out of line. As the chiropractor applies pressure, you will often hear an audible “pop” that sounds very much like you have cracked your knuckles. The noise has nothing to do with your spine per-se; it is the result of gas bubbles being released.

The chiropractor can evaluate and treat a number of disorders:

   * Sprains and strains: Three quarters of all American adults will at one time or another strain or sprain their back, The two are somewhat different; a sprain is a tear or elongation of a ligament whereas a strain involves a muscle or tendon. Either one can easily happen if you lift too much weight or lift a weight improperly or simply twist while performing normal functions.

   * Headaches are often caused by referred neck pain. This pain is normally felt at the very base of the neck or the back of the head; it can also be felt behind the eyes. These headaches can be quite severe; it is not unusual to mistake them for a migraine.

   * Degenerative disease: As a person ages, the discs, which are like little cushions between the vertebrae can degenerate, this is usually caused by overuse, misuse and repetitive strain.

   * Sciatica: This condition can occur when the sciatic nerve is somehow compressed; this in turn irritates the nerve. Sciatic pain can be quite severe that travels down the leg, below the knee.

   * Whiplash:  Whiplash often happens when a car is struck from the rear, the head and neck are thrown forward and back, the result is whiplash which is very painful.

A Naperville chiropractor can deal with far more than back pain; he or she can also offer nutrition advice, recommend certain exercise regimens and offer suggestions for a lifestyle change. Often, management of chronic conditions such as mentioned can require a holistic approach which eliminates or reduces the need for surgery or medication.

A Naperville chiropractor can help relieve pain caused by a number of issues. If you suffer from back and neck pain, headaches, sciatica, etc you are invited to make an appointment with Tilson Chiropractic FamilyCare. Visit them online at WebSite Page.

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