Were you injured on the job?

by | Oct 12, 2016 | Lawyers

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Employees that are injured or become ill as a result of the environment in which they work may be able to collect workers compensation benefits. Workers compensation provides wage replacement to those who have been injured on the job, however, legitimate claims are often denied. When benefits are denied the affected worker basically has to options available; give up or hire workers compensation lawyers in Charleston SC.

Why are claims denied?

There are many reasons why a workers comp claim would be denied, perhaps the most common is not filing the claim or reporting the injury in a timely manner. In many cases a claim for workers comp benefits must be claimed within a matter of a few days of suffering the injury; the employer is also obliged to inform the insurance carrier just as fast.

It is also common for the employer to claim the injury did not happen in the workplace or to dispute that your injury had anything to do with the accident you had while working. Should this be the case, you will have to substantiate your claim with statements from others that actually witnessed the accident.

It should come as no surprise that an employer would refuse to acknowledge a workmans comp injury in Mount Pleasant as every claim accepted results in increased insurance premiums.

Appealing claim denial:

If you receive notification that your claim for workers compensation benefits has been denied, don’t give up the fight. There may be a simple reason for the denial of claim, it could be as simple as a clerical error and your claim could be accepted with little more than a quick phone call. Chances of this being the case are remote and you should contact workers compensation lawyers in Charleston SC and mount an appeal.

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