Top Three Things to Remember When Moving House

by | Dec 28, 2016 | Moving Companies

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Moving house requires a lot of organization with so many factors to consider all at the same time. But there are many easily forgotten things that even the most carefully organized person can still overlook. A good moving company such as Armstrong Relocation – Dallas will have some resources on their website that can help you. Here are a few more things to keep in mind when relocating:

1. Utilities

Money Saving Expert recommends before moving not only transferring your gas and water suppliers but finding out the location of the gas meter, the emergency water stoppage switch, which day the trash is picked up, and other similar questions. These are all things that are easy to forget about but can hold up your life and disrupt your move.

2. Cleaning

Homes can become dusty and dirty when they are left empty, even if it is only for a short time or if they are brand new. Before your moving company is scheduled to arrive, try to make it over to the new home to clean up before all the furniture and boxes get in the way. Cleaning up your old home is also a nice gesture to the new tenants.

3. Label Boxes

Most people label which room their boxes are supposed to go in, but few take the additional step of listing the contents of each box and taping it on. This is an even better way to organize your move, ensure everything goes where it is supposed to, and make it easier to find the things you need.

Moving is always a stressful time with many things to do all at once. By keeping the above things in mind and adding them to your moving checklist, you will not only remember them but make your move easier and less stressful at the same time.

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