Tips for Choosing a Drinking Water Filter

by | May 29, 2017 | Plumbing

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Water filtration is a way to improve both the safety and the taste of the water that comes into your home. Those connected to a municipal water system will have many of the contaminants already filtered out but could have water that isn’t as tasty as they’d like due to the chlorine typically used by these systems. There are a few options for those looking to start using a Drinking Water Filter.

Get Your Water Tested

The first step to getting a water filter is to get your water tested. This will help you determine what you’d like filtered out of your water, as not all types of filters can remove all types of contaminants. For example, a UV water filtration system is great for removing bacteria and other microorganisms but doesn’t remove sediment, heavy metals, and chlorine. Most water filtration systems won’t remove fluoride or nitrate, for that you usually need a reverse osmosis system. Water softeners mainly decrease the amount of magnesium and calcium in the water and don’t do much in terms of getting rid of other contaminants that could be in the water. Carbon filtration typically gets rid of asbestos, lead, mercury and chlorine. Mechanical filters are good for getting rid of sediments and usually need to be used with some other type of filtration to get rid of any chemical contaminants.

Pitcher, Faucet, Under the Sink or Whole House Filtration

Next, you’ll need to decide whether you just want to use a water filtration pitcher to filter your drinking water, a faucet or under the sink filter to filter everything that comes out of a particular faucet, or a whole house filtration system to filter all of the water in the home. Whole house filtration systems typically include UV microbiological treatment systems, water softeners, or whole-house chlorine filters. As you might expect, the whole house water filtration systems are the most costly and the water filtration pitchers are the least expensive option for a Drinking Water Filter.

Other Considerations

It’s best to look for water filters that have the NSF seal, as these have been tested to verify they meet a certain level of performance and safety.

Visit website for more information. They can help install a whole-house or under-the-sink water filtration system. You can also watch video on their YouTube channel.

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