Tips for Centipede Control in Savannah, GA

by | Dec 21, 2017 | Pest Control Service

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Millipedes and centipedes are common household insects you might find around your house, or in the garden outside. However, they are more closely related to the lobster than they are to the insect family. Centipedes are land dwellers and generally prefer areas with darkness and high humidity. Unlike most household pests, centipedes do not carry diseases that can harm plants, animals, or humans. They cannot cause any damage to your property. However, centipedes do have poisonous glands, which can prove to be a small threat in itself. Here are a few tips for centipede control in Savannah, GA.

Take Action Right Away

In many cases, the presence of centipedes indicates a deeper problem; insect infestation. Centipedes often eat smaller insects, so your house may have turned into their feeding ground without your knowledge. The best thing to do in this situation is to handle them on sight and kill them whenever you see them. Or, you can contact an insect removal services provider such as Savannah Termite and Pest Control to inspect your property and highlight infested areas in your home.

Seal Entry Points

Centipedes and other household pests generally enter through small openings around the property. Seal any cracks you see in the foundation of your house, and eliminate those small gaps that are usually found around the windows and doors. It might seem like a simple preventative measure, but sealing the entry points could greatly reduce the number of centipedes that enter your house.

Keep Your Place Dry

As mentioned above, centipedes generally move to areas with higher humidity. A simple tip for centipede control is to reduce the humidity in your house. Use a dehumidifier during the summer months to keep the humidity levels under control and prevent centipedes and other insects from entering your house. Visit Website for more information.

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