Three Reasons to Consider Cremation in Mason, OH

by | Dec 11, 2017 | Cremation

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Many people choose not to plan for the one thing that happens to everyone, which is death. Planning ahead provides many benefits, including taking stress off family so they don’t have to plan a funeral, making sure the wishes of the deceased are honored and reducing costs for services when paying in advance. The death of a loved one can be overwhelming. Not only does someone have to deal with their grief, but often they may have to plan the burial of their loved one as well.

Many people prefer Cremation in Mason OH. If decedents don’t plan in advance, however, and haven’t discussed this with their family, they may not get their preference. Some people don’t understand why someone might prefer cremation. Here are some things to consider.


A major factor in choosing cremation is the cost. A funeral is expensive. Not only does the funeral home need to be paid, but there’s the casket as well as the plot and headstone. Overall, the average cost of a funeral, with a basic casket, it $10,000. For many people, this is simply out of reach. The average cost of Cremation in Mason OH is $1,100, although the cost could be a little more if the family chooses a viewing prior to cremation.


Many people choose cremation for environmental reasons. Those that have a real predilection for saving the environment know being buried takes up space that could be used for something else. In addition, there are the materials used to make the casket, and none of the items related to burial are biodegradable. For someone who is opposed to having a larger impact on the earth, cremation is an alternative to consider.

Always Around

Although it may seem odd, there are those that always want to have their loved ones with them. Cremation allows this even when the family decides to move away. This removes the concern of being away from a gravesite or away from the resting place of loved ones.

Cremation won’t be for everyone, but there are those that prefer it and those who haven’t considered it at all. There are some good reasons to choose this option, and the proper urn or release site can ensure that the deceased is still honored no matter where they rest after their death.

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