Things to Know About Mambo Dance Lessons in Kingwood TX

by | Oct 25, 2017 | Dance School

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When it comes to Mambo Dance Lessons Kingwood TX residents have the chance to learn new steps and burn off calories at the same time. This particular rhythm style of dance originated in Latin America and has spread its influence to various forms of music, from love ballads to rock songs.

Salsa, Tango and Mambo

Salsa and tango are more well-known forms of Latin dance. Salsa is seen as a party dance and tango as a more intimate style. Salsa and mambo are classified as rhythm while tango is categorized as smooth. Another way of looking at it is to see that tango includes closer holds between the partners, whereas rhythm dances often have the partners at a distance.

Thus, while participating in Mambo Dance Lessons Kingwood TX, students will find that mambo is more similar to salsa. The two styles have the same beat, although music that inspires mambo dancing usually is played faster. In essence, the music is very similar but people watching dancers will see a significant difference between mambo and salsa.

Regional Influences

There also are differences from country to country in the Caribbean and South America that have made an influence on mambo moves. Mambo’s main roots are in Cuba, where it started casually rather than as a standardized form of dance. Later, people who enjoyed the style brought it into the ballroom scene in North America.

Dance Lessons and Preferences

At a teaching center such as Fred Astaire Dance Studios, students have the opportunity to master many forms of Latin dance and discover which styles they most prefer. Often, this comes down to the kinds of music they like best.

Preferences can change too, reflecting the mood they happen to be in. A couple that is feeling especially romantic will probably be drawn to smooth dance styles so they can be close together much of the time. Those who are feeling especially energetic and vibrant on a given day may prefer the rhythm steps. No matter what, participating in the classes gives people the opportunity to have a lot of fun getting healthy exercise and becoming more fit.

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