There Are Times When An Immigration Lawyer Can Really Help

by | Jul 21, 2016 | Lawyers

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If you are applying for a US “Green Card” or an immigrant visa there is really no need for you to do it through a lawyer. If your case is clean, straight forward and you have no criminal record or past altercations with immigration authorities you may be able to bypass a lawyer and get what it is you want.

The truth is; US Immigration and Naturalization Service are difficult to deal with, this is even more so over the last few years when a tightening of immigration has taken place. If you have ever had any dealings with the INS you will know just how complicated the system is. Not only are the rules complex, INS is a bureaucracy that does not get as much public attention as it should and as a result receives less oversight. There are situations where you absolutely need an immigration lawyer in Chicago IL.

  • If you are deemed inadmissible:

There are many issues that hopeful immigrants run into; perhaps the most common is a claim by the INS or the US consulate in their home country is that they are inadmissible for one of a number of reasons. In many cases the applicant has a criminal record or lied at one time or another on a US government form.

  • Perhaps it is just the paperwork:

There is no such thing as a simple immigration form, every form is accompanied by a lengthy set of instructions on what has to be done and how it must be done, and of course, there are fees for everything. Make one small mistake and chances are very good that your application will be delayed or even rejected.

An immigration lawyer in Chicago IL has plenty of experience dealing with INS forms; as a result he or she knows what is expected. Most immigration lawyers have the forms set up in their office computer, once your particulars have been entered; the resulting paperwork is available immediately.

One thing is for sure; never rely on any advice that is given to you by an INS information officer. These people are not experts and if what they tell you is incorrect, the problem is yours, not theirs.

Dealing with the INS is difficult at the best of times and the paperwork can be daunting. It is always the best idea to hire an immigration lawyer in Chicago IL when you need to deal with the immigration department. You are invited to contact Din Law for a no-obligation review of your case.

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