Talk to a Roofer in Des Moines about Replacing Your Siding

by | Nov 13, 2017 | Roofing

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If you want to make your home more energy efficient, you need to concentrate on the roof, siding, and windows. For example, roof shingles today can be added that will deflect the sun’s heat, thereby cooling the attic and reducing cooling costs.

Adding Insulation to Your Siding Installation

You can also obtain vinyl siding that can be applied by a roofer in Des Moines with an insulation wrap. This wrap is applied with the siding to keep a home better protected. Some of the benefits of using the wrap include the following:

  • The insulation is water and air-resistant.
  • The insulation is resistant to UV rays.
  • The product features moisture permeability and superior drainage.
  • The wrap carries an R6 insulation value.

What Does the R Value for Insulation Mean?

If you are not quite sure what R6 means, the R value of insulation refers to the resistance of the insulation to heat circulation. A higher R value indicates a greater resistance in this respect. Therefore, an insulation with an R6 value is a good insulation product.

Gauging the U Value

Products carry U values as well. A U value is measured just the opposite of an R value. In this case, the U value represents the amount of heat escaping through a product. Therefore, lower U values indicate products that offer better insulating qualities. When speaking to a roofer that carries siding products, they generally will refer to the R value of the insulation for the siding. Again, if the R value is 6, the insulation is affordable and dependable.

How About New Windows?

You can also obtain better energy efficiency by installing the right windows. Again, you can talk to a roofer that installs energy-efficient windows. Not only can you improve the cooling and comfort level in your home but you can dampen the outside sound.

Who to Contact

One roofing company that offers roofing, vinyl siding, and window upgrades is Business Name. If you want to realize better

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