Points To Consider For Washer Disinfector Validation

by | Oct 27, 2017 | Medical Equipment

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Having a simple, effective and user-friendly way to ensure that washer disinfector is at the minimum effective concentration levels or the MEC is critical in the disinfecting process used in hospital surgical units.

Not all validation methods are the same. Most hospitals will use testing strips, but even within the market for these products, some are better at washer disinfector validation while others are less reliable.

Ease of Use

In order to take full advantage of washer disinfector validation test strips, they have to be easy to use. When the testing process becomes complicated, there is a greater chance that the tests will not be routinely performed or there will be variations in the testing method that can lead to incorrect results.

Storage Requirements of Strips

In storage of the testing strips, look for products that are easy to manage. They should be stored in the bottle or container in which they are shipped. They should come with desiccant packets to absorb moisture and protect the reagent on the test strips. They should also be dated to ensure that the strips are within their life cycle.

Risk of Error in Reading

Verify the washer disinfector validation reading process is very clear and easy to see in typical lighting conditions. Colors that are a contrast and include a simple pass or fail result will eliminate the risk of misreading the strips.

Time of Testing

The best test strips are designed for fast results. This typically includes immersing the indicator pad of the strip in the solution, removing excess liquid and waiting for a period of time, usually about 90 seconds.

Approved by the FDA

The best types of validation test strips for washer disinfectants are approved by the FDA. There are products on the market that are not approved, which poses a risk in using them without tested, proven, reliability of results.

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