Local Cremation Companies in Hamilton OH Increasingly Gain Favor Over Traditional Burial Service

by | Nov 14, 2017 | Cremation

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Why are people increasingly choosing service by Local Cremation Companies in Hamilton OH instead of asking for a loved one’s remains to be buried in a cemetery or placed in a mausoleum? In 2017, more than half of deceased persons now are cremated, a dramatic increase from a few decades ago. One reason is the lower cost of cremation. Another is that society is more mobile, so burial in a cemetery does not mean any relatives will continue to live nearby and visit the site.

Informal Services

Families of deceased individuals may want to make arrangements with Local Cremation Companies in Hamilton OH instead of a traditional funeral home. They can still have their own memorial service without the formalities of a full funeral that displays the deceased person in a casket. Many people are holding these informal services in parks or even in their own homes.

Keeping or Scattering Ashes

People who want to maintain some type of physical bond that was traditionally fulfilled by visits to a cemetery now often choose to keep the loved one’s ashes at home. The ashes are kept in an urn that may be hidden in a private place or displayed in a china cabinet. Someone who does not feel this need for this particular kind of connection may want to scatter the ashes in a meaningful place.

Concern for the Environment

Another consideration for choosing service by an organization such as Spring Grove Cremation Society over embalming and burial is concern for the natural environment. Groups of cemetery plots use a large amount of land, and must continue to be expanded as people continue to pass away. A full million acres of U.S. land are taken up by cemeteries, and the landscaping usually is kept green and well-manicured with frequent watering and mowing. Cremation puts less of a burden on the environment.

In addition, as people have become less inclined to visit cemeteries regularly, they have switched from placing real flowers at gravesites to using plastic ones. Within a year, those flowers have deteriorated and are thrown away, leading to millions of these products being added to landfills yearly.

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