How Understanding Your Supply Chain Data Can Help the Growth of Your Business

by | May 29, 2018 | Business

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Many businesses don’t understand how big data affects supply chain management and how well the supply chain itself works. Once businesses and decision-makers comprehend the value of data and how it can benefit supply chain processes and supply chain visualization; they can incorporate these practices to change business processes to yield an even bigger benefit.

Helps to Adjust KPI

KPIs, or key performance indicators, are attached to different parts of data within the supply chain, such as inventory turnover or order fulfillment accuracy. Different elements get varying levels of KPI, depending on how important they are within the supply chain. However, all parts of the supply chain are of equal importance. Automated data management can help with KPI management by offering accuracy and analysis and comparisons so adjustments can be made quickly and easily. These alterations can be translated between other parts of the supply chain within supply chain visualization, mapping numerous variables to assess outcomes.

Paints a Better Picture of Overall Processes Affecting Business Growth

Big data can offer a better picture of where money is coming in, helping to determine where to focus and expand. With this, any inefficiency can be cut from the company, improving focus on money-making areas. Within advertising and marketing, big data allows you to cater to the customers who are bringing in the money, what is causing them to do so and what they are essentially like. You can then use this to further your marketing efforts. With this streamlined focus, supply chain visualization becomes easier. Even with the threat of outside forces affecting the company, big data can help plan for various steps that may occur.

Create a More Effective Company Culture

Big data affects the entire company. It can be used in human resources to streamline recruitment and hiring, within finance to analyze the best ways to invest and sell company shares and in the marketing and sales departments. Additionally, it creates better collaboration within the supply chain as different parts of the chain gain knowledge and are able to communicate. This also helps handle company issues in real-time, meaning less money lost and better customer satisfaction. This real-time communication means easier supply chain visualization because information is updated and tracked automatically and shared with other parts of the supply chain.

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