How Can You Purchase Solar Panels in NJ?

by | Sep 24, 2012 | Science And Technology

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More homeowners than ever before are discovering the benefits of purchasing solar panels in NJ. Even though you think purchasing solar panels may be too expensive, the savings you realize on your energy bill will be well worth the cost. The process is not difficult so get started, and you can began saving on your energy bills!

Contact a Residential Roofing Expert

The first step in getting your solar panels in NJ is to contact a residential roofing expert for a free evaluation. The residential roofing specialist can determine if solar panels will work for your particular type of roof. Some of the things that a roofing expert looks for are a roof that is shade-free with open space and also a roof that does not leak.

The Process

Once the roofing expert has determined that your home is a candidate for solar panels in NJ, a specialist will visit with you and explain the different options available for using solar energy panels. Next, the installation process will begin once you have decided upon all your options. This installation process normally takes between two and three days. Once the installation process is complete, you can sit back and begin enjoying the savings you will receive on your energy bills.

Affordable Payment Plan Options

If you are worried about being able to pay for the installation of solar panels, there may be good news for you. There are little money down and no money down options available, as well as federal incentives that will give you a tax credit of 30 percent of your purchase price. Talk with a professional roofing expert to find out all the details of the payment options available to you.

The process of using solar energy for heating and cooling is not difficult. There are many affordable options available for homeowners. If you are thinking of purchasing solar panels in NJ for your home, contact a residential roofing expert for a free evaluation. He will be glad to answer any questions you have and help you through the process.

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