High Quality Heating and Cooling Systems Installed by an HVAC Contractor in Suffolk County, NY

by | Apr 20, 2017 | HVAC Contractors

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There are many types of HVAC systems for consumers to choose from. HVAC systems create a comfortable atmosphere within the walls of a home or commercial building. Having said that, it’s best to get a home energy efficiency assessment before choosing an HVAC system model. Energy assessments done by a licensed and insured HVAC Contractor in Suffolk County NY tells if a building is well insulated. Buildings with insulation materials probably need a different system than buildings with no insulation. The results will tell a contractor what operating attributes a heating and cooling system should have. Energy assessments have useful information and show how efficiently a building retains heat.

Modern HVAC systems come with many different features to fit the consumer’s needs. There are systems with multiple stage heating and cooling. There are systems with variable fan speeds. Multi-stage Heating and cooling have the machine only running at speed appropriate for the temperature. Single-stage systems are different in that it runs at full speed at all times. This means there are times when the system is using more energy than it needs. Single-stage systems can do better with variable fan speeds. It generates a variable air flow that makes minor adjustments when temperatures go up and down. Multi-stage systems operate at optimal efficiency standards. It generates the most in utility savings.

Humidity plays a big role in the intensity of heat. The humid air always feels hotter than dry air. Humidifiers and dehumidifiers is a valued add-on for heating and cooling systems. An HVAC contractor in Suffolk County, NY can install equipment with the ability to dehumidify or humidify. The humidifying function treats dry air, and the dehumidifying function is for moist air. Humidity levels in a home can minimize the need to run air conditioning at full power. Humidification systems can be installed inside an HVAC system, or separately. Radiant floors is another air treatment mechanism that uses floor piping to heat the floors. Heat is produced by a heat pump or boiler. It can be installed to make wooden floors warm in the winter and acts as a supplementation for heating systems. Call to get a free quote.

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