Financing a New HVAC System for Your Home

by | Jan 20, 2017 | General

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The cost of purchasing a new heating and cooling system for a home can be quite expensive. The cost will depend on the type of unit you require. Most homeowners require a loan to help them purchase a new air conditioning unit for their house. A traditional loan can be difficult to obtain and require a high monthly payment. This option is not feasible for homeowners who lack the credit to secure a traditional loan. Luckily, an alternative solution is available.

Why Buy an HVAC Unit When You Can Lease One?

When you reside in an area that is well-known for extreme heat or harsh winters, you cannot risk being without an efficient HVAC system. A traditional loan requires applying for the loan to maintain a certain credit line before they can secure the funds. A homeowner can spend weeks waiting to find out if they can qualify for a loan from a financial institute. If you are about to be in the middle of a sweltering summer, this is valuable time that you do not want to waste. You can gain financing for your air conditioner by selecting to lease it from a local HVAC company.

How Rent-To-Own Can be an Affordable Option

Microf is a customer-driven company that works with their clients to help them connect with lenders who help finance purchasing HVAC units. Their skilled workers help their clients find a lender who will provide a contract that allows their customers to purchase air conditioning systems on a rent-to-own basis. Microf provides a quick response time to minimize how long it takes to determine if the client is approved. They require their applicants to own the property, have a steady income, and possess an active bank account to qualify for financing.

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