Effective Ways to Avoid Slip and Fall Accidents at Work

by | Oct 18, 2017 | Lawyers

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With more than a million people every year suffering from work-related injuries, it’s a wise move to know how to avoid these accidents in the first place.

Clean up spills right away

Spills can make accidents much more likely to happen. Mop and clean those spills up as soon as you can. If that isn’t possible, post enough warning signs so others won’t miss it.

Get rid of any debris and clutter

If you’ve got clutter in the hallways or walkways, that could make for inconvenient hurdles and obstacles, which could trip other employees up. Be sure to keep these areas free of any debris to prevent accidents from happening, says the Safety and Health Magazine.

Get safety management

Knowing the basics of how to identify potentially dangerous situations or how to respond to emergency scenarios can help increase safety awareness in your crew. This will help you and your team mates be more careful on the job so ask your employees about safety management training.

Always wear your safety gear

This one’s an old but essential piece of advice: never go into the job site without the proper gear. Be sure to wear protective gear, including shoes that are comfortable and have a good fit.

Know your rights

No matter how careful you are, though, accidents could still happen. Know your rights. If you end up in an accident, you’ll want to know enough to get the help and assistance of slip and fall lawyers in your area.

Hire right

Don’t just hire any lawyer you find. Look for competent, experienced and reliable legal help. Check credentials and reputation. By hiring the right slip and fall lawyers for the job, you can file for a claim and receive the compensation you need easily enough and with less stress and hassle.

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