Common Mistakes When Looking For A Lakewood, Nj Skilled Nursing Home

by | Mar 3, 2017 | Assisted Living

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Searching for assisted living or a nursing can be an eye-opening experience. Here are some mistakes to avoid.

Don’t Take Facilities at Their Word

Unfortunately, assisted living centers are sometimes under pressure to keep the facility full. This can cause some misrepresentation. They may say that their staff can handle dementia care when it’s not the case. The staff at Lakewood, NJ skilled nursing facilities will be specially trained and you can learn more by contacting facilities near you.

Don’t Choose on Appearance Alone

It’s unfortunately common for expensive, beautiful facilities to be cited for regulatory violations. The care provided by skilled nursing staff is paramount.

Don’t Visit Only One Facility

When searching for assisted living, you should check out at least three facilities. You may go with the first one, but always shop around.

Don’t Get Pressured by Marketing Personnel

Marketing representatives are trained to get you to choose their facilities. You need to make your own decision.

Don’t Make Your Decision Out of Guilt

This is a difficult decision, no doubt. When you’re choosing a facility, don’t just think about what you would like. A pool may seem nice, but would your loved one actually use it? If he or she likes it and the skilled nursing care is amazing, that’s your best choice.

Don’t Assume That All Facilities Are the Same

All facilities are not created equal. The devil will be in the details. Make sure you really know what you’re signing and what your loved one will experience.

What Now?

Oasis Senior Advisors – Lakewood, NJ can help you to determine what the best facility for your loved one will be. They help families in need of locating a senior living community for a loved one, which is often challenging and overwhelming.

These professionals provide their knowledge and expertise to help families as their loved ones transition to new seasons in their lives. For additional information, contact the senior advisors in your area today. You can follow them on Google+ for more information.

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