A Veterinarian in Lenexa, KS, Can Protect Your Pets

by | Sep 12, 2016 | Veterinarians

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Your pet is a living creature capable of disease and injury. Just as it is recommended that you visit your doctor once a year for a checkup, it is imperative that you do the same for your pet. A yearly wellness exam will help prevent numerous illnesses and potentially prolong the life of any pet by years.

Many pet owners do not bring their pets to a veterinarian in Lenexa, KS, unless they are clearly sick. Unfortunately, there are many diseases, such as cancer, that go undetected until they are beyond treatment. The only way to catch these early is to think ahead and visit the veterinarian frequently.

Age is More Than a Number

There are few animals in the world as long-lived as humans. Unless you own a tortoise, a single missed appointment is like missing years of appointments for your pet. Fortunately, clinics such as the Cherokee Animal Clinic are available throughout the year with the ability to treat most pets. Animals such as birds and small rodents have even shorter lives than cats and dogs, meaning a missed appointment is almost guaranteed to mean an undiagnosed problem. To protect your pets from a potentially painful issue, you must bring them to a veterinarian soon.


You might be surprised to hear that nearly 50 percent of pet owners do not get them the life-saving vaccinations they need. Cats that live part or all their lives outside the home are at greater risk of contracting feline AIDS, and this is a disease almost guaranteed to kill them. Vaccinations will prolong the life of the pets you love by protecting them against painful diseases.

No matter the age of your pet, it is never too late to book them a wellness exam. Your pet cannot tell you when they are in pain or when they feel out of sorts. They depend on you for a happy, healthy life. Show them your appreciation with a visit to your local clinic.

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